The kind that still
effectively bans gun sales in Chicago, just like Chicago's co-defendant in McDonald, Oak Park, IL, did w/ '
Windy City Firearms'. He knows he'll lose an appeal so he's just going to ban sales defacto instead of dejure.
Anyone want to lay odds?
1 comment:
As long as the courts continue to allow a "stay on enforcement" - which allows the unconstitutional laws stand for a time until new ones can be enacted - this will continue.
Ban on possession - unconstitutional, stayed until new regulations are enacted.
Ban on sales - unconstitutional, stayed until new regulations are enacted.
*dons prediction hat*
Refusal to allow business permits to gun dealers - will be found unconstitutional, but stayed.
Enforce zoning regulations to force out or not allow gun dealers - will be found unconstitutional, but stayed.
Extend "gun free school zones" in the city to 5000' from school grounds to create a "gun free patchwork" - who knows what the court will find on that one?
As long as they allow a stay on enforcement, they city will find ways to wriggle through to get another "de facto" ban.
Or, as Pres. Obama would say, "If you like your gun ban, you can keep your gun ban. Period."
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