Saturday, October 12, 2013

A Non-Issue Gone Stupid

Mostly I stick w/ gun stuff but this one has really gotten my goat.  Recently there's been a sh!tstorm over an assignment in a HS Sociology class regarding who would receive dialysis treatment


Guess what?  This is a standard assignment type for an intro Psych/Soc. type class.  It's called Situational Ethics.  I did a similar assignment 25 yrs ago in HS except it was a fallout shelter and it is one of the ONLY assignments I remember so vividly because it generated so much discussion, debate and thought. (emotional vs practical etc.) It's got nothing to do w/ 'Death Panels', Common Core, or 'desensitizing youth'.

If you want to keep believing that though, I'll supply the vinegar for you to spray in the air to save you from Chemtrails.

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George said...

We did something very similar in my Organizational Behavior class for my MBA.

David aka True Blue Sam said...

Reminds me of Rural Soc at Mizzou in 1970. They should have shot me then; I've been working against them for forty years.

Chase said...

My US History teacher would put up little debate-starters on the board every class, but I never got anything like this.

Personally, I think the woman with the three-year-old daughter should get spot #1, followed by the other two people with young children.

Sigivald said...


Turns out thinking about horrible choices is a useful tool.

(Reminds me of a discussion with a friend of mine years ago. She's a Progressive, and asked "How can you put a price on people's health[care]?"

My reply was that there isn't any alternative.

The thing that confuses me is that sometimes that isn't obvious to people, somehow...)

Knucklehead said...

It is the ol' Lifeboat, Storm/Bomb shelter problem handed out in low-level psych and management classes since Christ was a corporal.

They can be very entertaining. Once upon a time I suggested to two young women on my "team" that taking the middle-aged father might be a better choice than the young, fit gay guy (always a nice, prog wrinkle in the modern era). They wanted to know why and I told them that repopulating after the nuclear war was one of the goals we were given and that they could not be sure whether or not the gay guy was shooting blanks but they knew the father guy wasn't.

One of the ladies was not familiar with the term of art, "shooting blanks", but she caught on quickly. It just tickled the heck out of the two of them and one fictitious middle aged white guy got a spot in the imaginary bomb shelter.