The only reason someone would "need" a semiauto assault rifle is to go to war w/ our gov't.
He said the same thing about 'Combat Rifles' before as well. So owning any long arm is an admission (to him) of wanting to kill police and military.
Well we know what he would do w/ a gun if he had one. Classic projection.

Also, the entire "need" argument is a fallacy - our rights are not based off "needs", they are based off the intrinsict nature of being human.
"Need" arguments lead you to a world where no one owns anything apart from the absolute bare basics - after all, you really do not "need" anything else.
Linoge beat me to it. Until they can talk about rights without using the word 'need', we aren't going to get anywhere with them. They have a fundamental misunderstanding of what rights are.
"The only reason someone would "need" a semiauto assault rifle is to go to war w/ our gov't."
He says that like it's a bad thing :-D
Given the current crop of pols and their complete disdain for the Constitution, that may be the only choice left to us.
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