Monday, February 7, 2011

Did You Know.....

That a State sponsored and led Home Guard is an attempt to overthrow the government?

Really. The Coalition to Stop Gun Ownership has added the Montana bill to their 'insurrectionist timeline'. I guess Ladd Everitt thinks Montana is planning to secede soon.

What is also funny is this line:
would not be subject to federal oversight or control.
Which is really funny considering the contempt they hold the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th amendments to the Constitution, the guiding document of the Federal Government.

These people have become so deranged that anyone who opposes anything the Feds do is now accused of wanting to overthrow them. And they wonder why noone takes them seriously.

Unorganized Militia Gear

Unorganized Militia Gear

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Linoge said...

Apparently they also believe that the Supreme Court is advocating the armed overthrow of the United States Government as well, given the beginning of their "timeline".

Suffice to say, those folks are not exactly on what I would describe to be an "even keel"...

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

They also misquote Montana Shooting Sports Association's Gary Marbut, in a rather libelous way:

In commenting on the legislation, Gary Marbut of the Montana Shooting Sports Association says, "The question here is where that slider is located on that range between anarchy and tyranny. We'd like to nudge it back a little toward tyranny."

He actually said (my emphasis added):

"The question here is where that slider is located on that range between anarchy and tyranny," Marbut said. "We'd like to nudge it back a little toward anarchy."

I'm sure it was just an oversight--copy/paste is so unreliable . . .

Sean D Sorrentino said...

This blogging thing has made me question a few of the decisions in my life. I'm happy with my job, but I've kind of wondered if I shouldn't have gotten into developing laundry detergent as a profession. I could make a killing selling these guys laundry soap specifically for their underwear.

Thomas said...

Did you know that belt fed weapons are a menace to police.....

Vincent D'Onofrio says so

25sec mark

JaPete is a moron...

TinCan Assassin said...

They act like Montana is the first state to have a militia, or as they are called now, a State Military Reserve Force, California, Alaska, Georgia, etc. have them, in addition to National Guard Forces. With the National Guard making up over 50% of Big Army's combat force alone, States are losing their emergency responce forces to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. They're just filling the gap.