(2) For purposes of this subdivision, "ammunition" shall include, but not be limited to, any bullet, cartridge, magazine, clip, speed loader, autoloader, or... projectile capable of being fired from a firearm with a deadly consequence. "So pretty much any "Gun Paraphernalia" associated in any way with ammunition you won't be able to get except through whatever is locally available.
But there's no slippery-slope in the world of gun control. No, none at all. "Reasonable, Common-Sense" gun control at work.
Update: Here's what I'm pretty sure was the passed bill. From what I can figure from the legalese, it 'could' be read to prohibit mail order magazines etc.

"shall include, but not be limited to"
That makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
"or... projectile capable of being fired from a firearm with a deadly consequence. "
So, Kali is outlawing pennies, nickles and dimes???
You can stuff shotgun shells with damn near anything. Maybe if enough people started dailing 911 to report on others carrying around illegal spare change...
This link and website has a lot of great info http://www.calguns.net/calgunforum/showthread.php?t=230703. I would consider the source at Cheaper Than Dirt. They do not sell ammo to California anyway. California is run by a bunch of knuckle heads. They pass Harvey milk day, take away your rights and indoctrinate your children. Truly a sad day to be a conservative.
The law is unconstitutional.....
no...."magazine, clip, speed loader, autoloader".....are by definition not "ammunition", no writing saying they are makes them ammo.....
it is like Illinois saying that you may not buy armor piercing ammo but you can still buy steel core ammo in from out of state since the ATF excludes 855 5.56 ammo as AP....
California can't say you cant buy a magazine because they call it ammo....
this is ripe for a supreme court review.....
Read the bill myself. The broad definition of ammunition you quote from the legislation only applies to the sections ("this subdivision") covering the transfer of ammunition to minors (< 21) and other restricted persons, NOT to the section on face-to-face/non-internet sales.
Also, the face-to-face/non-internet sales section only applies to handgun ammunition, not long/shot gun ammo or any magazines, clips, etc.
Still, not good.
More specifically it's an attempt to regulates the routes and services of Common Carriers - which is already preempted by Federal statutes in more than a few indicies. The Supreme Court already unanimously ruled that laws that regulate delivery by Common Carriers are rreempted - it's a no-fly bill that's going to die.
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