Saturday, December 22, 2007

Obviously they don't teach the concept of Irony at Bucknell

Any idiot who wants to spread ignorance and lies sets up his blog, or logs in to the Dung Heap, and spreads away.

-Prof. Alex T. Riley on his blog.


Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...
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Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

By the way, I can't help but wonder how he reconciles this statement:

Get this much, if you don't get anything else. You don't matter. You're a tiny fringe of the population, hiding out in your bunkers with your automatic weapons. You convince yourself that there are a lot of you b/c you all talk to one another on one another's blogs (which no one else reads), but YOU DON'T MATTER.

. . . with this one:

Mike S. "Vermin" Adams and all of his fellow Dung Heapers, both those who actually reside at and those who do not, pollute public discourse. They infect it and poison it. They will kill it if the rest of us let them.

The very nature of the Internet as a communicative medium helps keep the virus alive and well. Any idiot who wants to spread ignorance and lies sets up his blog, or logs in to the Dung Heap, and spreads away. More idiots are attracted by the odor of dung and the presence of flies. Soon, dung is everywhere.

This culture had better develop a means of cleaning up that dung, or American public life faces serious problems.

First he says that we, and our blogs, are irrelevant, because no one reads them. Then, not much more than 24 hours later, he claims that we are a threat to "kill" public discourse, and that we present "serious problems" to "American public life."

Rather overachieving irrelevancies, aren't we?

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Alex's hostility to the Second Amendment is, and has always been, pretty obvious; and the above would seem to show that he's not a big fan of the First Amendment, either.

When you look at this post on his pseudonym's parody site, his contempt for the Fourth Amendment is made rather apparent.

Our freeness from bad evidence on us that the police gets from unreasoneble searches rite could be restricted--why not make it leagal to give the police the benefit of the doubt on 'good faith' or something STUPIDE like that? ITS STUPIDE, thats why!

Just not a fan of the Bill of Rights in general, is he?

Thirdpower said...

But the stupid can be fixed.

Have a happy holiday Melody. If you ever want to write a post of your own, drop me a line. You have an open forum here at DOOT.

Unlike the anti-rights people, I don't censor.

Anonymous said...

Well thank you for the gracious offer. I will take you up on that offer. I hope you and yours have a bright and wonderful holiday. Wish your family Merry Christmas from us.
As we roll down I-40 in western N.C. I am thinking of passed days and loved ones lost over the years but about the wonderful people in our lives now. How we should all cherish every Holiday.

Merry Christmas.
