Monday, December 17, 2007

Paul issues challenges.

So I issue my own:

I challenge the Brady Campaign to stop misrepresenting what different firearms are capable of.

I challenge the Brady Campaign to address the issues that are holding up the NICS act.

I challenge the Brady Campaign to acknowledge that basing restrictions off of error-ridden lists is irresponsible and unconstitutional.

I challenge the Brady Campaign to stop trying to ban private purchases of firearms by connecting them to FFL dealers that they are at the same time trying to drive out of business.

I challenge the Brady Campaign to find any evidence that limited purchasing laws have in any way effected crime.

I challenge Paul to read the responses on his linked Op-Ed and figure the ratio of his supporters to those who support the rights of the populace.

I guess this is Paul's lame attempt to get the candidates to pay attention to him. Anyone want to lay odds on it working?

It must suck for an organization that once stood next to presidents as they signed bills named after their leaders to become inconsequential.

1 comment:

Yuri Orlov said...

Good luck on that. I don't think he reads the comments. He turned them off at his home site so he wouldn't have to look at them.