Now I tried talking to one of the filmmakers. She admitted the film wasn't about 'education' but to make people 'think' and to 'generate discussion'. IOW, 'think' and 'discuss' how guns are bad. When I asked the question about if they had a firearm safety expert not from an anti-gun group as a technical advisor, she stopped talking.
What is SIX?SIX is a short film about a child who finds a hidden gun while playing alone on a rooftop. It is a story about a child's imagination vs. reality; a child's innocence vs. the power of guns; and a child's vulnerability vs. the negligence of adults.Why Should I Care?Above all, SIX is a story about our world - today.The number of firearms in the US is not in the millions, but in the hundreds of millions. With all the talk about gun control, who can control over 300 million privately owned guns? We want to take part in the conversation as we best can: by making this film! You can do the same by helping us make it.Besides being political, we are making a film that is not only thought-provoking, but that is also going to make you laugh, cry, feel and think.
Just like I said, they're not trying to 'talk about our world today' in any sort of realistic form but instead to scare people.
In comparison, several KS campaigns for board games I've been involved in have reached their goals by multiples w/i days.I'm sure they'll find a way to get the rest of the money to finish their film but once again, it shows that there are no grassroots for gun control.

Assaulted raised about 150k between 2 separate kickstarters.
LOL that was a pretty small goal too, far less than most kickstarters I see.
The producer is a Finn here on a student visa. Draw your own conclusions.
All it makes me "think" is "if only that kid had gotten NRA Eddie Eagle training, the kid would know to not touch it and go find an adult".
But I guess that makes for a really short movie.
I actually said something similar on the FB comments.
The guy who made Waco: Rules of Engagement, did a Kickstarter to make a documentary on the whole Fast and Furious situation. He only got $22,000 out of $400,000 he wanted.
So, maybe politics isn't strong on either side?
Never even heard of that one. And it's still almost 3x the money the anti-gun one made.
Maybe that was the problem, lack of publicity?
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