Thursday, March 29, 2012

Gura Strikes Again

Any sort of advance the Anti's thought they might be making by dancing in the blood of the FL Martin shooting just got nullifyied (and then some) w/ this:
BATEMAN vs. PERDUE out of the Eastern District of North Carolina.
Key finding:
Although considerable uncertainty exists regarding the scope of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, it undoubtedly is not limited to the confines of the home. In Heller, the Supreme Court found that the Second Amendment includes the right to 'protect [onself] against both public and private violence,' thus extending the right in some form to wherever a person could become exposed to public or private violence. ... Moreover, the right to keep and bear arms was found to have been understood to exist not only for self-defense, but also for membership in a militia and for hunting, neither of which is a horne-bound activity. ..Therefore, the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms "is not strictly limited to the horne environment but extends in some form to wherever those activities or needs occur."
From the SAF:
BELLEVUE, WA - A federal district court judge in North Carolina has just struck down that state's emergency power to impose a ban on firearms and ammunition outside the home during a declared emergency, ruling that the provision violates the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

The case, Bateman v. Purdue, was brought by the Second Amendment Foundation, Grass Roots North Carolina FFE and three individual plaintiffs. Defendants in the case were Gov. Beverly Purdue and Reuben F. Young, secretary of the state's Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, in their official capacities.
One wonders how long this streak of b!tch slapping by Gura will continue.

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Cormac said...

Is this a typo, or should I break out a thesaurus?

Robert Fowler said...

One wonders how long this streak of b!tch slapping by Gura will continue.

Until our Second Amendment rights are recognized everywhere.