Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It Can't Happen Without Guns..

That's what we're always told, right? "They couldn't have killed (X-number) of people if they didn't have a gun".

Tell that to the Chinese.
Man stabs, kills 8 children at Chinese school

BEIJING – A former medical worker stabbed to death eight young children and wounded five others Tuesday in a bloody rampage outside an elementary school in eastern China.
But what's this?
China has witnessed a series of school attacks in recent years, most blamed on people with personal grudges or suffering from mental illness, leading to calls for improved security.
Aren't we also told that this is an American thing and that those in Germany et al were just flukes?

So yes Virginia, there are school attacks w/ mass casualties w/o guns.

Unorganized Militia Gear

Unorganized Militia Gear


Scott said...

Unpossible that's like handguns existing in Chicago.

kaveman said...

Don't forget about the 5 additional students who were wounded.

Was the knife made out of plastic???