Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New Shooters v. Anti-shooters

A while back I did a post on how gun owners, unlike gun banners, have a community of positive mutual interest and support, including clubs, businesses, and family/friends outings. Just like w/ other hobbies and enthusiasts, we enjoy teaching people about it and getting them to experience the same joys that we get.

Both Breda and Robb took people to the range over the weekend that had never shot before. Everyone had a good time.

An old High School friend of mine, after reading some of my posts, decided last weekend to start the process for him and his wife to get a firearm in Illinois. He is, in his own words, a 'total virgin', so I'm treating him gently and will respect him in the morning. We're currently discussing going about picking out the best firearm for them, training and safety issues.

How many gun control advocates do you think convinced firearm owners to sell their guns and never shoot again?

Unorganized Militia Gear

1 comment:

Weer'd Beard said...

"How many gun control advocates do you think convinced firearm owners to sell their guns and never shoot again?"

Somewhere between zero and negative numbers.

actually the "Negative" isn't too far off. I'm so rabidly pro-gun because I learned that EVERYTHING I thought I knew about guns, and gun laws were bald-faced lies perpetuated by the anti-freedom advocates, and their Media Drones.

That made me REALLY mad, so I bought guns (and keep buying them) and started teaching people the truth.

So much for that, huh?