Sunday, December 20, 2009

Destroying History

The sign above the Auschwitz death camp, stolen a few days ago has been found.

Cut into three pieces. I hope the Polish authorities follow suit with the thieves.

I've made a donation to help w/ the restoration.


Don said...

Perhaps the thieves could be forced to stand at the gate, holding up the sign during every hour that the gates are open to visitors, until the end of their miserable lives. Maybe then they would understand a little bit of the despair of those who were marched under that sign and murdered at Auschwitz.

In any case, they richly deserve whatever punishment they've got coming.

Weer'd Beard said...

Pretty common. Just like they changed their name to "Progressives" to distance themselves from the mainstream term of "Socialist" and "Communist", the followers of Marx would like to revise history for their favored religion.