Wednesday, July 1, 2009

No Legitimacy

One measure of the stability of a nation or state is how the citizenry perceives its government. Whether all the rules are followed, elections are held, etc. all come into play.

This legitimacy has been declining in the United States, once considered the most stable of countries.

This is just one more example of why:

As state Democrats convened around noon to hold a one-party session, Republican Sen. Frank Padavan of Queens walked through the chamber on a hunt for the soda machine -- a caffeine quest that would later result with him being tallied as voting with the Democrats.

Padavan reportedly claimed he was taking a short-cut to the members' lounge, but the 31 Democrats seized the opportunity to count him as their 32nd vote and unanimously passed 125 bills in three hours with Republicans absent -- the latest attempt to break the 3-week-old stalemate that has caused a power struggle in Albany.

Yep. These idiots tried to pass over a hundred bills by lying about the numbers of legislators in the 'meeting'. I'm sure their supporters are clapping their hands in glee over pulling a fast one on the 'Rethugs'. The governor, on the other hand, is showing some integrity by stating he will sign NONE of the bills.

This kind of stupid crap needs to stop. Our republic is in enough danger of collapsing from the mountain of debt that our dear leaders have generated, bills designed to destroy the remains of American industry, and the systematic dismantling of our education system raising generations of lazy, ignorant couch potatoes.

Will they be held accountable in the next election? Doubltful. The media will run front page editorials glorifying them every day while the only reporting of their opponents will be damning accounts of them having scratched their crotch once in public.

And the band played on.

Unorganized Militia Gear

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