Friday, June 26, 2009

Speaking of Rambling Nonsense

Several Joyce Foundation funded anti-gun groups are crapping themselves over the 2A Freedom Rally in Chicago today.
On One-Year Anniversary of Supreme Court Heller Ruling that Stripped D.C. Of Its Handgun Ban, Pro-Gun Groups Want To Flood Chicago With Even More Deadly Weapons and Push for Carrying Hidden and Loaded Guns In Public

Read the rest of the PSH 'press release' at Illinois Carry.

Photos of the event here including Rev. 'Snuffy' Pfleger who attended.


Armed US Citizen said...

That was a chilling article. What is almost scarier is the people who perpetuate and believe that garbage.

Thanks for the link

kaveman said...

You clever bastard.

You force me to read the 1st link(yes, it's entirely your fault) which makes me want to wretch and say naughty words, and then I choose to peruse the photos on the 2nd link and my frown turns upside down.

Clever, clever bastard.