Plausible since there are large, unchecked stretches of border between the nations.
Now we have entering the picture the Jamaican Gun Canard, blaming the 'flow' of weapons there on the US.
The difference?
Jamaica is an island nation. It also has an effectively disarmed populace, sky-high crime rates, corruption, drugs, etc etc etc.
So obviously since they can't control their own borders while sitting in the middle of the Caribbean, the US must be at fault.
That makes sense.
Strategically, this seems to be the current plan. "Gun Control" has failed domestically so groups like the Brady Campaign and the VPC need to spread the message that crime in the international community is the fault of the US thereby bringing pressure from the outside for Obama to ratify the CIFTA treaty. We can expect IANSA to start squealing about it shortly along w/ the other Soros and Joyce funded organizations.

I look for the CIFTA Treaty to be ratified late at night on a hollidy week end with only two or three senators on the foor.
...and it will be a "voice" vote...
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