1)Obama promised to remove the Tiarht Amendment during the campaign.
Obama Administration Fails to Remove Gun Lobby Language from Budget
His current page looks like this.
2)Obama promised to support needle exchanges to reduce AIDS.

Obama Budget Bans Federal Funding For Needle Exchange, Breaking Campaign Pledge
The current page looks like this.
From the same page, Obama promised to repeal "Don't Ask Don't Tell".

Today the page includes weasel words: "He supports repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell in a sensible way that strengthens our armed forces and our national security," leading to his inaction on this:
Obama To Fire His First Gay Arabic Linguist
You know, one of those 'language experts' that costs millions of dollars to replace.
There's your Hope and Change in a nutshell.
Months from now the old pages will be gone from the Google and Yahoo caches.
But they will show up on the Wayback Machine. Not sure if you've seen this before: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://whitehouse.gov
It's quite handy at times.
Well, everyone with half a clue knew right from the beginning that he could not keep a fraction of all of the promises he made during his campaign... That over half of voting Americans bought into his tripe is just another indiciation of how frakked this country is. Oh well, he is certainly living up to my expectations...
As for the gay linguist, I'm just thinking of the dollars that were spent on his education at West Point. Think of the fact that only 2 candidates are entered into the academy from each state.
It would certainly be unfair if he was gay at the time of his entrance to West Point, taking away a spot from another candidate that would have met all the academies enrollment requirements.
Thats a million dollar education.
"It would certainly be unfair if he was gay at the time of his entrance to West Point, taking away a spot from another candidate that would have met all the academies enrollment requirements."
I certainly fail to see how his sexuality has ANYTHING to do with his ability to serve. Certainly he's a national hero for his work in Iraq.
How is that voided now because he's openly admitted he was gay (I've read his unit knew and was supportive).
THis is one promice Obama should keep.
Well all the others he's broken, that and taking Hillary Clinton out of what would be a decades long career in the senate a-la Ted Kennedy, frankly if the GOP nominates a Mit Romney, a Jeb Bush, or a Mike Huckabee et al, I may just cast a vote for Barry O to serve another term.
Obama is certainly demonstrating that he is the "candidate of change." too bad the only thing that keeps changing are his positions from his campaign and the website.
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