Sunday, May 3, 2009

Knowing is half the battle

I haven't done enough background on Gov. Rendell to comfortably say whether or not he's blatantly lying or just plain ignorant.

But this is what the enemy looks and sounds like.


kahr40 said...

If he's ignorant he shows no desire to remedy that ignorance. If he's not he's a willful lair. Either makes in dangerous in with the position he holds.

geekWithA.45 said...

Fast Eddie is an opportunistic politician whose MO is the increase of his own power.

Currently, he's coming to the end of his term limit as the PA Exec, and actively ingratiating himself to the DNC powers angling for a national role.

Weer'd Beard said...

I'd say it's his job to know better, just like it's my doctor's job to know the latest and best treatments for thier specialty illness.

If he's ignorant, he has no excuse to be. Likely he knows very well what he's doing and he's courting the anti-gun lobby.

Anonymous said...

Never make the mistake of believing these grease balls to be stupid or ill informed. They Know who's asses they need to smooch to ascend.