Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Their Bread and Butter

That would be blatant dishonesty and the VPC. We all know it's nothing new from an organization that admits to deception in order to push their agenda of civilian disarmament, but let's keep it in the spotlight, especially when they blatantly lie to the legislators.

In Tom Diaz's testimony to Congress in the Money, Guns, and Drugs Hearing, he claims:

The U.S. gun industry has been sagging for decades. Although the industry enjoys brief periods of resurgence, the long-term trend for civilian gun manufacturers continues to be steady decline as fewer Americans choose to own guns and gun ownership becomes more concentrated.
Where he gets the 'sagging for decades' is curious as the 'brief periods of resurgence' tend to last just as long as the 'sags'. As has been shown previously, the average over the last 20 years shows a steady supply of handguns and shotguns with an increase in rifles. That's just new manufacture without including the firearms resold in the secondary market.

Most likely it was based off of selectively chosen years to 'prove' his point, just like they did w/ the numbers of firearm owners. While the percentage of the populace that admits to owning firearms has dropped according to some polls, the raw numbers of both households and individuals have either remained the same or increased.

So, as usual, the gun controllers intentionally lie and distort the facts. I kind of hope they keep doing it (like they have any other option if they want to get their way) as people are seeing through their nonsense and they keep losing the public's support.


Anonymous said...

Well, I hope that they continue to underestimate the number of guns and gun owners. My, won't THEY be in for a surprise when TSHTF.

B Woodman
SSG (Ret), U S Army

Anonymous said...

They have to lie, given that reality, statistics, and hard data all are against them on a daily basis. However, be careful what you wish for - the Clinton administration and our current glorious President's administration are proving that if you repeat a lie enough times, it will soon be accepted as common truth. The Brady Bunch and the VPC have used this tactic to their advantage in the past, and I have no doubt they will try to do so in the future.