Tuesday, April 15, 2008

NRA V. Nutter

Even though the Philly DA says the law is unconstitutional and won't enforce it, Nutter is still pushing ahead. This has garnered the NRA, NSSF and Philly citizens to file an injunction against the bills:

Fairfax, VA-Today in Pennsylvania court, the National Rifle Association (NRA) filed for a temporary restraining order blocking the City of Philadelphia from enforcing recently enacted gun control measures. Pennsylvania’s state preemption law maintains uniformity over a statewide system of gun laws by barring municipalities from enacting gun control laws that are more restrictive than those passed by the state legislature. NRA is joined in this effort by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and local citizens of Philadelphia.

Last week, Philadelphia’s city council passed a package of gun control bills that were clearly preempted by state law. Mayor Michael Nutter, in a brazen act of lawlessness, signed the bills. District Attorney Lynne Abraham warned the city council and mayor that their taxpayer-funded folly was unconstitutional.

“Apparently, Philadelphia politicians believe they can circumvent the will of the Pennsylvania legislature,” said Chris W. Cox, NRA’s chief lobbyist. “This is the third time the City of Philadelphia has tried to thwart state law by passing its own gun control restrictions. First it tried suing the state legislature, then it tried strong-arming the state legislature, and now it has decided to ignore state law altogether. Despite what it seems to believe, the City of Philadelphia is not above the law.”

Mayor Nutter obviously feels he is in the same legal category as the Big Music Producer

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