Thursday, April 17, 2008

Another day off for students...

As they make a game of closing the schools down for some free time.

All of the schools in Dolton School District 149 are closed today, reportedly after a threat was written on a wall at a school in Calumet City.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stupid kids, everybody knows it's better to take friday off than monday.

Today's youth I swear have no creativity. Why not write, "Be ready to die on saturday" just to mess with them. Better yet, "Be ready to die on loopday." That'll have them scratching their heads. What happens when some douch-bag figures out that he could write "Be ready to die in November."

But don't worry, this won't cause anyone to copycat the event.

Nope, no-sir-ee Bob.

The truly sad part is that with our public school system, I doubt the threat was even spelled correctly.