Our Anonymous troll from the other day has started up his own little parody blog. I guess acting like a fool on other people's blogs got boring.
A piece of advice AT. Contact the Brady Campaign or Joyce Foundation. They're known for bankrolling nonsense.
I wonder what Bucknell University would think of their students using their computers for this?
Thanks to Armed and Safe for the link.
Update: Oh, look, (s)he's home now. Enjoying the visit? That's about two more rounds for me.
Starting to look more than a little obsessive, isn't he?
I wish him--and his therapist--the best of luck.
Are these the warning signs we need to keep an eye out for? This person is in a lot of pain and I fear for his safety and the safety of those around him.
And...I wanna be parodied too! LOL.
Well, I made his list.
... not too sure how to feel about that
I don't know if it's some kind of deficiency in the Bucknell University English curriculum, but our admirer seems unaware that for parody to be effective, it has to bear some kind of resemblance to its target.
There's nothing in that blog that even vaguely resembles the writing on any of the eight blogs it is apparently intended to caricature.
I have to agree with Robb's assessment.
Perhaps our prodigal copy cat should look in to the purchase of a dictionary. Some work in basic elementary school grammar area would also be appreciated. But they say imitation is the highest form of flattery.
I would not be surprised to find out this person is from New Jersey Ceasefire, of even a staff member of the Brady Campaign, lets face it to work for Brady all you need is a Pulse, a 75 or less I.Q. and a virulent hatred for Guns, Freedom or to make our own decisions.
. . . lets face it to work for Brady all you need is a Pulse, a 75 or less I.Q. and a virulent hatred for Guns, Freedom or to make our own decisions.
I hear that in special cases, they'll waive the pulse requirement.
Now THAT was funny. I read all the way down. Pure despurayshun!
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