Friday, December 14, 2007

How many lies can Paul Helmke tell in a minute and a half?

The world may never know.

Larry Pratt hands Paul Helmke his derrier on Fox.

Apparently Paul now supports those w/ military or police training to have CCW while at the same time dodging around the fact that the Brady Bunch supports "Criminal Empowerment Zones" calling it a private decision. I guess someone got word to him about that whole potential liability issue.

The usual "selling AK-47's" meme is repeated over and over along w/ "they were all banned" outright lies.

The best line:

Pratt laughed at Helmke's suggestion. "If Paul wants to have another policy, maybe he can put a sign up at his house that says, 'No guns in this house,'" he said. "I'd like to see how that works."

1 comment:

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

. . . along w/ "they were all banned" outright lies.

I kept waiting for Pratt to nail him on that. I suppose there wasn't really time for it, but it's a point that needs to be made, particularly when one considers the fact that the vast majority of Americans are utterly unaware of the lie.