Sunday, April 3, 2016

IL Gun Bills Up aka Throwing Sh!t & Seeing What Sticks

Via IllinoisCarry:

Call to Action
Witness Slips Needed

Witness Slip Instructions
With IGOLD rapidly approaching we ask our readers to direct their energy toward filing some important witness slips this weekend.  Filing slips now will not only help protect and advance our rights, it will also build upon the groundwork already laid for a successful Illinois Gun Owners' Lobby Day this Wednesday.
The primary elections are behind us and the Legislature
is poised to act on many bills that can ultimately define
the future of our Second Amendment rights in Illinois. Please take a few moments from your schedule to voice your position on the following proposals. Most are scheduled for 2 hearing dates.  One includes an amendment that we oppose along with the original bill,
with special instructions on how to file opposition to both.
The first hearings are scheduled Monday, 4/4, so don't delay!
or complete the required fields manually:
I. IDENTIFICATION:  Enter your personal information.  Enter "NA" for the Firm/Business or Agency and Title fields unless you are officially representing an organization.
II. REPRESENTATION:  Enter "Myself" unless representing an organization.
III.  POSITION:   Unless instructed otherwise for a particluar bill leave the description field at its default
value "Original Bill".  Indicate your postition by selecting the "Proponent" or "Opponent" radio button.
IV. TESTIMONY:  Select the "Record of Appearance
Only" radio button.
If filing manually, complete the Captcha challenge and agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement.
Then click Create Slip. 
Choose the "OPPONENT" radio button for each of these 7 bills:
*For both dates click the link, scroll down to Section III and click "Add Position".  Use the drop down to change the second Description line to HCA1.  Choose "Opponent" for both lines ("Original Bill" and "HCA1").  Then "Create" your slip.
Choose the "PROPONENT" radio button for each
of these 3 bills:
After your witness slips are filed, you can track
our progress here.
Additional information about the bills we're monitoring, including the bills in this alert, is available in our list of

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