But I do know this. I’ve owned rifles and shotguns all my life. I’ve hunted from the moment I completed gun safety at the age of 12. I have four sons, three of whom are hunters. My dad is a hunter. My grandfathers were both hunters. One was a game warden. I’ve served in the United States Army Reserve. With all that background and experience around firearms I can tell you this with a certainty: Rifles like the Bushmaster were designed for one purpose and one purpose only: combat. They are not weapons of personal defense. A loaded semi-automatic handgun wielded by someone who has spent time on the firing range will do that job just fine. You don’t need a Bushmaster for target practice. A .22-caliber pump or semi-automatic is more than adequate to keep your shooting eye keen. Assault weapons are impractical for hunting. A Winchester or Marlin lever action 30-30 is a far better choice. If you can’t hit a deer with the first five rounds, you shouldn’t be hunting.That's nice. Guess what?
Anti-gun fanatics don't care about 'curbing sales and marketing'
They want to ban your 'hunting'. They want to ban those 'semi-automatic handguns'. Deceased Senator Ted 'Chappaquiddick' Kennedy even called your precious 30-30's 'armor piercing' and wanted them banned. You want to throw out your military creds? Take a look at this @sshat. I was in the military longer than you but I'm not a 'hunter'. The most common target shooting rifle at Camp Perry National Matches is the AR. But you probably don't know that nor care.
Let's take a look at the shooting you describe, a criminal defendant managed to get a gun into a courthouse, past multiple levels of security. Did he have a criminal past? You don't say. But during the situation, the security present failed. 911 failed. Everything failed. It was a typical 'gun free zone'. So you use that for a call to ban guns you don't like.
You're a typical anti-gun idiot. You take your personal tragedy then call for restrictions on something that had nothing to do w/ it.
You can take your 'certainty' and stuff it up those robes of yours.

His story of the shooting is a complete fabrication. Read how it actually happened:
So the judge is not only a fudd, he's a liar too.
Oddly these "combat" weapons that serve no legitimate self defense purpose are called PDWs (personal defense weapons) when the DHS recently placed an order for 7,000 full auto M-4 rifles with spare 30 rd. magazines.
Go figger
"teaching environmental law at the University of Wisconsin-Superior"
Hm. Bet the lefty liar doesn't even own a gun. Lead pollution of the environment, you know. Eff him.
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