"too easy for people to ignore the signs and then say they just didn’t see them."
And a law will change this how? Does Senator Kotowski intend to be at every door, frisking all that enter? Too bad he wasn't there when Will Bates brutally attacked Mary Shepard. But I guess innocent victims raped, beaten, or killed are more acceptable for gun banners than capturing or killing criminals.
Mary Shepard (of Shepard v. Madigan fame) was viciously beaten in a church. This case is the basis for Illinois being forced to allow carry.
"too easy for people to ignore the signs and then say they just didn’t see them."
And a law will change this how? Does Senator Kotowski intend to be at every door, frisking all that enter? Too bad he wasn't there when Will Bates brutally attacked Mary Shepard. But I guess innocent victims raped, beaten, or killed are more acceptable for gun banners than capturing or killing criminals.
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