Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Rangers Lead The Way

US military to ban 'Assault Weapons' to limit 'gun deaths' on the battlefield.  *
 COL B. S. Talker from the Office of the Joint Chiefs told reporters, “there is no reason why our military needs weapons capable of firing 900 rounds per minute when our foes are stuck using archaic relics from the Cold War era.”...
 ..Talker elaborated, “essentially, continuing to improve military weapons only serves to escalate the level of violence in warfare. Since the advent of firearms there has been a tremendous growth in the amount of deaths on the battlefield. While we don’t hope to get rid of all firearms, it is our hope that limiting the amount of damage potential we can decrease the amount of deaths from firearms experienced during conflict.”

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*satire for the humor impaired


Erin Palette said...

I was expecting it to be from Duffleblog.

Allen said...

so, when do they start re-issuing Garands, and where do I sign up?

Steve: The Lightning Man said...

Start dusting off the muskets...