Indviduals with proper self-defense training can put down attackers no matter the size difference, with little to no damage done to the victim. Ask any defensive trainer, or a student of such a trainer, and you'll get the proof you regularly state on this page that this page lacks.So if one can't do it outside of a nice, safe dojo w/ a cooperating 'attacker', then I guess you weren't doing it 'properly'. It's a little different when the teacher hands you his/her arm and tells you to throw them in comparison to a gang banger who's actively trying to rape/rob/kill you. Oh sure, some might be able to manage it but I'm not willing to bet my (or anyone's) life on it.
But the Bradys are. Because they know better than you.

Also, it's always one-on-one in the real world? Funny, my experience puts it at like 30% of assaults -- I was well outnumbered the other two times.
...Remember, when Jackie Chan moves are won't matter. There's only one of him and he gets hurt pretty often.
So tell me again what's the kata for deflecting bullets...
So are the Bradies saying that the Olympics didn't need any of those sex and weight classes they had in the martial arts matches?
No Weer'd...they're just pointing out that the Olympians didn't have "proper self-defense training".
Just like rasslin', the Olympics are all just scripted for show don'chya know...
These people really are out of their damned minds, aren't they?
Notice something else? "...with little to no damage done to the VICTIM." It would appear that they consider the attacker, once stopped(supposedly with no injury) to be the victim in the incident...
"Ask any defensive trainer"?
OK--how 'bout this one (excerpt):
Even as a martial arts instructor in a school and art that stresses practical application and legitimate self defense, I harbor no illusions about the efficacy of traditional martial arts in a situation where the attacker is substantially larger, stronger or better armed than the defender. Martial arts and self defense training are valuable tools that add to your likelihood of success in such situations, but they are hardly a guarantee of safety. And of course, no amount of training or skill will protect you if you are caught unawares (which, sadly, is what appears to have been the case in Ms. Emerson's abduction).
Obviously not trained properly...
I had a martial arts instructor who, when talking about a knife fight (so not even discussing "icky guns"), even if you can block/parry at the astonishingly good rate of 80%, you still get cut 1 in 5 times. And that assumes you see it coming and are ready.
And this still doesn't address the problems a 90-year-old, 80-pound grandmother has when confronted by a 20-year-old, 240-pound thug or two. I guarantee that won't end well for the grandma.
I taught my younger sis some martial arts. she weighs about half what i do, and even when i get on the ground and have her put me in a full arm bar it is no problem for me to get out. my arms are stronger than her core. i make her do full force (for her) training with me, and only wind up with mild bruises when she lands hits. she would do pretty well in a fight with someone of her weight class (is there a featherweight class?), but she would be so disadvantaged in a fight with an average male (like myself) that it is laughable to think she could stop any form of physical confrontation.
any remotely decent instructor will tell you that weight class is hugely important in a fight. you can't throw someone if you can't even shift their weight, and that is before you factor in the strength disparity gained from having more weight. any instructor that says otherwise is a sham, and a dangerous one at that.
Ask any defensive trainer, or a student of such a trainer...
I have and I am and all of my instructors were quite plain in saying that in any given fight, you are going to get hurt, and in fights with weapons involved, you may get hurt very badly, no matter your skill level. As they all have always said, there is always going to be someone stronger, better, faster, more-trained, more-numerous, etc. etc. than you.
An instructor who teaches his or her students that "if you learn X you will never get hurt" is a liar and a charlatan... much like the Brady Campaign itself.
Arguing with nitwits is a waste of time. There's got to be better things to do that monitor anti-gunners tweets and facebook pages.
Like living life, for instance.
We're winning. The light they see in their tunnel isn't the end, but our oncoming locomotive.
That's why the BC uses most of their money to send people to martial arts classes...oh wait. if BC and Planned Parenthood would just train women properly, there would be no need for abortion in the case of rape!
Yeah, my proper defense training includes the point and click interface, and since being attacked I am the victim, they may have backed into saying something that could be interpreted as correct for once. I have such sciatic nerve problems I can hardly walk sometimes, nevermind face an assailant as much as half my size.
I don't see what is wrong with the language you quoted.
Somebody with proper self-training in using a firearm can put down attackers no matter the size difference. In case after case, defensive use of firearms has saved people from damage, just like they said. Any good trainer will admit you are more likely to survive an encounter, and survive it with less damage, if you have a firearm to protect yourself from the goblins.
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