Thursday, March 4, 2010

Economics Fail

Josh Sugarmann declares the closing of one company unable to compete and who happens to produce an AR platform as the "Collapse of the AR-15 Assault Weapon Market".

Can we say 'wishful thinking' boys and girls?

Unorganized Militia Gear

Unorganized Militia Gear


Anonymous said...

Does this mean there won't be a need for ban anymore since the market has collapsed?

W.Richards said...

I'm wondering if the Huff post pays its authors per hit?

With Joyce funding drying up a lot of these Brady Brats are looking for a source of income.

Post a bunch of cherry pick statistics with some attention grabbing fear-mongering headline and sit back and collect next months rent. Gun owners always call them on the facts but the original publishing service never seems to police the authors of fact checking.

Didn't I hear recently that Colt was thinking of opening up the civilian branch of AR sales to be more available to the public?

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Does this mean there won't be a need for ban anymore since the market has collapsed?

That's what I asked.

No answer so far.

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Didn't I hear recently that Colt was thinking of opening up the civilian branch of AR sales to be more available to the public?

Wow--now that would be an interesting development. I'd love to see Sugarmann try to explain that away.

Don said...

Wait . . . because *Charles EFFING Daly* closed its doors, that means the market is dead? What did I miss? Was CD really the last of the AR manufacturers? I was under the impression that there were a few more . . . and actually, I had no idea CD/KBI made AR parts of any kind.

I must have missed the demise of bushmaster, DPMS, Remington, S&W, Para, H und K*, Colt, FN, Ruger, SIG-Sauer, plus the bazillion small companies who only make ARs and AR parts. I don't own an AR other than an old Colt, and I won't pretend I know all the companies, but Josh should be staying up at night wondering how long he can keep this up before the Joyce Foundation gets wise to how he's scamming them. They could get a college intern to do Josh's job "for the experience" and get better product.

*"Becawss you sock, und ve hate you."

Molon Labe said...

We're going ot have to start calling these
"Sugarmann Specials(tm)." He's really outdone himself this time.

Third, you can have the trademark and start printing patches. "Sugarmann Specials: What have you done to save YOUR dwindling funds today?"

kaveman said...

Yesterday I saw a kid selling bags of peanuts on the sidewalk. Today he wasn't there.

Yep, the world peanut market has collapsed.

Linoge said...

That boy just ain't too bright, is he?

Oh well. I guess you have to grasp at whatever straws you have available to you.

Weer'd Beard said...

I wonder if he's even given consideration to the NEW rifles that meet their narrow and myopic definition of "assault weapons" hitting the market, like the Remington ACR, or the FNH SCAR-16, or a little bigger like the SCAR-17 and the Kel-Tec RFB.

So one AR drops off the market, and it's replaced by scores of new guns to take its place!

Ryan said...

Markets are complicated things. In the run up to the Presidential election and the hysteria afterwords pretty much anyone who wants an AR or wanted another one went out and got it. The sales boomed and not surprisingly slowed afterwords. I would like to help those sales go up, alas I have finite resources and infinite desires.