Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tight Races in Illinois

The Illinois Primaries the other night were certainly interesting. From what I've read, there was about a 30% turnout.

Kirk, unfortunately, won the R Senate confirmation handily. He'll be going up agains D contender Giannoulis in the general.

The Gubernatorial race was tight for both parties. Quinn (D) and Hynes were only about a % apart the whole time. As of now, Quinn leads by about 8K votes and I'm guessing there won't be enough mail-in, etc. votes to change that.

McKenna and Ryan led handily on the R side at the beginning of the evening. As results started coming from South of I-80 though, Ryan dropped to 4th and McKenna's lead steadily eroded dropping him to 3rd. Dillard and Ryan ran in the lead neck and neck for most of the late evening. As it stands now, Ryan Brady leads w/ only 400 votes. That could potentially change w/ spot checks and other ballots being counted over the next few weeks.

Illinois doesn't have an auto recount system so it would need to be called for in court by one of the candidates.

More results here.

Update: Oops. Names fixed.

Unorganized Militia Gear


Thomas F said...

Good G-d it's "Brady" man not Ryan, that gun fearing douche Ryan is in fourth.....

Ya damn near killed me.

Don said...

It's Schroedinger's election . . . two candidates, and we cannot observe which one is the nominee. Therefore both exist in a state of nominee-ness until the observation is carried out.

Which is a pretentious way of saying nobody's conceding. I hope they work it out without public animosity, because they have slightly different constituencies who will need to be brought together for the general election, and they're both strong pro-gun candidates.