I for one join with the Brady Campaign on this issue, and I'm a little shocked that you don't. I'm not so sure about the methamphetamine thing, but clearly, shooting at people should be illegal.
I'm going to contact Betsy Hannig and Deanna Demuzio (Two women almost literally married to their jobs ) and ask them to introduce a bill to criminalize firing guns at people. I expect Josh Sugarmann, Paule Helmke, Father Pfleger and Thom Mannard to sign my petition.
I don't know how you do it. My head hurts from reading that nonsense.
The picture Josh painted made me smile.
A beautiful place.
Right, 'cause when you're getting shot at, it makes a difference whether it's legal or not.
I for one join with the Brady Campaign on this issue, and I'm a little shocked that you don't. I'm not so sure about the methamphetamine thing, but clearly, shooting at people should be illegal.
I'm going to contact Betsy Hannig and Deanna Demuzio (Two women almost literally married to their jobs ) and ask them to introduce a bill to criminalize firing guns at people. I expect Josh Sugarmann, Paule Helmke, Father Pfleger and Thom Mannard to sign my petition.
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