Thursday, October 8, 2009

Joyce Foundation on Chicago Teen Beating

"We should ask our elected officials why military-style weapons and ammunition are legally available to civilians."
Ellen S. Alberding is president of The Joyce Foundation

These lowlifes take a tragic murder of a teen who got caught and beaten to death in a gang riot and use it for their crusade of banning anything even remotely associated with firearms.

To top it off, a couple of the comments are from Joyce Foundation employees through the FSA.

There's is nothing people like this won't do. They readily admit to lying to push their agenda. They spend millions of dollars to publish 'studies' that can be shredded by even the most junior Grad student, and start dozens of organizations w/ memberships in the single digits to proclaim 'grassroots support'.

They are scum and nothing else but.

Via IllinoisCarry.

Turns out Paul Helmke of the Brady Campaign can't help but dance in the blood of the victim either.

I hope all their members and supporters are proud.


kaveman said...

"Doing so in the Albert case “provides the cover” to address youth violence without confronting the gun lobby, said Mannard, whose group’s board of directors included Duncan until he left for his current post."

Uh yep.

I spent the last week on vacation where I had access to a working TV.

Obama has decided that this is where he will make his stand. He can still tie in "gun violence" into youth violence but his choice is clear.

CNN did their best to run stories about guns immediately following the press conference with Holder and Duncan, but Obama's hand has been shown.

Paul Helmke is now under the bus until 2012 at the earliest.

Anonymous said...

Talk about uber-conflating! Attempting to combine the 2x4 beating death of a promising teen, with gun violence??

These ComLibs (I'm giving up on the term SocLibs) know no depths of shame to push their freedom-robbing agenda.

Ya'know what would make me giggle like an inmate in an asylum? To have Paul Helmke robbed/shot/etc by a known criminal with a gun, in the middle of a busy crowded city sidewalk, and have NOT ONE legal gun owner come to his defence. The image alone is enough to make me smile for the day.

B Woodman

Chas said...

"We should ask our elected officials why military-style weapons and ammunition are legally available to civilians."

Military-style ammunition? That's ordinary ball ammo, which is the most basic kind. If she wants to ban that, there won't be anything left when she's done.