Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Spinning Thune

SIH notes that both the VPC and BC have issued press releases on the failing of the Thune amendment today in the Senate.

What neither presser notes however is that it received 58 votes in support out of 97 cast. A clear majority.

While they're praising this victory over a 'dangerous gun bill' they're secretly on their knees thanking whatever deity they believe in that this required 60 votes instead of a simple majority.

Update: Helmke's Huffpo gloat is even funnier. Still no mention of the 58 senators voting in support but he goes on and on about 'elections having consequences' and the 'diminished clout of the NRA'.

If this is 'diminished clout' then the gun banners are hurting even worse than is commonly thought.

Unorganized Militia Gear


Don said...

You are spot on and you've put your finger on something I failed to mention in today's GRE, but . . . "Thune," dude, "Thune."

As in "Senator Thune" or "Thune I will rule the world! And then all will tremble at the thought of mocking my unfortunate lithp!"

Thirdpower said...

Fixed. :)

Anonymous said...

Heh... the hoplophobes of America came within a hair's breadth of their worst nightmare - law-abiding, licensed, trained, responsible adults carrying firearms for their own self-defense everywhere.

I wonder how many pairs of underwear they went through today...

Newbius said...

Hard to say, linoge. I saw an awful lot of PSH on C-Span 2 today though. And Gillibrand was quoting the Brady Campaign. That didn't take long to go all the way...



Don said...

"THUNE! Thune all will bow and beg for merthy, for I am Thandar the Thorcerer . . . oh, never mind."

Mose Jefferson said...

That's it... I'm joining the damn NRA.

Billll said...

The fix was in on that one. Voting Aye were 38 republicans, and as many dems as needed to polish their halos in time for the next election, but not quite enough to pass. This was known before the vote. Sebastian has the WaPo link.

Thomas F said...

The NRA needs to rate Senators based on their votes pre and post change (once they knew the fix was in)