Friday, June 12, 2009

PSH Alert

In Illinois, I am technically breaking the law if I walk down the hill to visit my In-Laws after target shooting w/ my rifle slung or handgun holstered. HB 182 amends that by rewriting the law to include the legal dwellings of other people as long as I have their permission.

According to the claims of Joyce Puppet (notice how that name keeps popping up) Legal Community Against Gun Violence Ownership, this bill is a defacto Concealed Carry bill and will allow me to go into practically any building I want with any gun I want and the owners and police can't do squat. These are the examples they give:

A domestic violence offender, who is a prohibited purchaser and not allowed to have a gun, calls his friend to come over to his house with his gun to intimidate his partner.

A drug dealer selling drugs out of his home has armed bodyguards to avoid being charged with unlawful possession.

A young adult throws a house party, friends come over carrying guns, and it quickly gets out of control.

Now which side uses fear mongering and hysteria again?

Illinois residents who haven't messed themselves need to contact Gov. Quinn to make sure the anti's message isn't taken at face value. Call 312-814-2121 or click here to send email.


Mose Jefferson said...
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Mose Jefferson said...

Fear mongering and hysteria can only be fought with plain, rational information. Thanks for adding yours to the public discourse.

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

I just got a bizarre comment responding to my last post about HB 182--I truly don't know what the hell the guy is talking about. It's as if he didn't read the blog post, and thinks I'm arguing for the other side.

But I'm the "retard" (his word).

kaveman said...

"In Illinois, I am technically breaking the law if I walk down the hill to visit my In-Laws after target shooting w/ my rifle slung or handgun holstered."

I always suspected you were a hardened criminal on the lam just waiting to explode violence on your community.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

I'm now on my way to go camping, the way Grandpa and Grandma would be proud of.

Sleeping bag...check
3 different rifles...check

Molon Labe said...

Man walks into a grocery store for milk and eggs. Fellow female shopper having difficulty reaching for the Spam on the top shelf while holding her child. Man reaches for the spam, but shirt lifts up and exposes weapon in his shoulder rig. Child mistakes exposed barrel for mom's nipple and.....POOF! Another The Children(tm) statistic.

Hey, making up outlandish hypothetical scenarios is fun!