Saturday, June 20, 2009

Is this guy for real?

Fair warning now, the clip is almost 10 minutes long so grab a cup of cocoa and then don't blame me when it squirts out your nose makes your keyboard all sticky.

I'm tempted to borrow the famous "Teh Stoopid" from who ever created the term, but that would be kinda insulting to "Teh Stoopid".

I honestly can't tell if this guy is an anti or a pro-gunner trying to make antis look bad. The only thing I do know is that he needs to stop sniffing his finger; it kinda creeps me out.

For your viewing pleasure.

Unorganized Militia Gear


Dan said...

'twould appear that I am a bit short in the patience department today... I made to about 40 seconds and had to say nope. Think I will go clean my AR. ;)

Dan said...

made IT to about 40 seconds... apparently I am also a bit short in the proof reading dept today as well. Maybe I had best just go read a book.

Cemetery's Gun Blob said...

That guy was more annoying than the little in *Shane*.

Melancton Smith said...

Sadly I think this guy is for real. I also think he's seriously jonesing. When is his sugar daddy going come over for his fix?

Shawn said...

I have to say I had an odd feeling that when I would click that link it would bring me to one of those videos by this guy. I discovered him last month. But that's when this video was not even at 1,000 views. And I gave him the appropriate verbal abuse. One of his videos in the earlier comments the BC showed up.

He is for real. I know because of our little discourse. Hasn't blocked me yet, took down my channel comments so he might be at partial phase 2 of "reasoned discourse".

He's not the only one that willfully ignorant. There are at least 3 others I can show you that are equally stupid.