Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mexican Civil War

Nothing else but.

This is a kleptocracy fighting to keep from being overthrown by another kleptocracy and trying to divert the blame away from their own outright incompetence by blaming the US.

A corrupt gov't that is "tainted up to the highest levels by corruption and direct links to the drug cartels", 17,000 desertions from the Mexican Military per year, four different drug cartels fighting for control, 10 murders a day in a small city.

According to the media, none of that matters though. It's all the fault of those damn US gun shows selling grenades, RPG's, and AK-47's to Mexicans. They must be selling out pretty quickly because none of the regular show attendees in Texas, AZ, or NM ever seem to be able to find them.

We're told over and over that a bunch of hicks w/ semi-auto rifles, handguns, and shotguns can't possibly challenge a modern military. Does that mean that the Mexican Army, armed w/ US weaponry and equipment, barely able to hold their own against a bunch of deserters and drug dealers, are useless?

Why is it that our 'betters', the 'authorized journalists' and even US military officials can't seem to put two and two together without getting Pi?

Are they ignorant or lying?


TexasFred said...

Why is it that our 'betters', the 'authorized journalists' and even US military officials can't seem to put two and two together without getting Pi?

Several reasons, not the least of which being, the office of POTUS will NOT allow it, not the current administration, the one that is intent on blaming us, nor the previous administration, the one that couldn't find their OWN ass with both hands, a set of directions and a Garmin GPS unit!

Obama and the Dems will sit back and do zip, nada, zilch, zero, even less maybe, they don't want to jepordize their future voting base...

Semi auto-loaders, shotguns and pistols can win a war, and I am seriously concerned that we will have to prove that very soon...

Art said...

Can you say PROPAGANDA?
Yes ... I thought you could!

Amazed and sickened as the same verbage, catch-phrases, talking points, even entire stories, are spun around the mainstream media ad nauseum.
Repeat again.

If a "non-documented" drug cartel hit squad or kidnapping squad operates in a "Sanctuary City" ... can they be prosecuted?

jinksto said...

Thought about this last night a bit... Here are my thoughts on it:

"Besides, America is blamed for the drug gang problem in Mexico because our citizens buy the drugs that keep them afloat. To combat that we have made drugs illegal in the United States and give the Mexican Government millions of dollars to fight the never-ending drug war. I think the Mexican government should deal with the problem and make guns illegal in Mexico. Oh, wait, they already have. I see the reasoning now. It’s illegal to sell them. It’s illegal to buy them. Let’s make more laws that affect more people that are not them. I think we should absolutely deal with this when the first $65,000,000 check shows up from the Mexican Government because their illegal gun buying is causing a “Massive Illegal Gun Problem” in the United States. If the check doesn’t bounce we can build a fence."