On Bus #1 (of 2) from Champaign/Urbana:
There were a total of 24 buses w/ an average of 45 people per bus.
John Naese of GunsSaveLife.com giving instructions:
Lunch at Golden Corral:
Arrival at Convention Center:
At Convention Center.
ArmedSchoolTeacher got me registered:
LongHornJeff directed me to the media table where I met Slappy from IllinoisCarry:
Representatives from the ISRA, Mike Weisman and Mr. Pearson have spoken and have introduced Joe Tartaro, KABA rep.
Just introduced. Brandon Phelps, legistator of the year who introduced HB2257.
Todd Vandermyde. NRA Il lobbyist. Stated CCW bill was killed in Senate Committee before the attendees arrived. Wonder how many of those legislators were endorsed by the Brady Campaign?
Just met Mike Weisman of the ISRA.
Frank Wright of GunsSaveLife: Play nice w/ the legislator and Jackson Counter protestors.
Valinda Rowe, IllinoisCarry, Women's rights in Illinois:
The ISP state that a woman should use these following items to defend herself instead of a gun: Comb, Key, or Tongue Depressor (to induce vomiting on oneself).
Colleen Lawson:
Tom Shafer, local advocate and media personality:
I currently sitting next to Slappy from Illinois Carry as we liveblog the event.
The March:
Getting Started:
On the Way to the Capitol Building:
Expressing our View:
View from the March:
View From the Steps of the Capitol:
Don Moran, President, ISRA.
Cameron Grey of NRANews.com was there to cover the event:
In The Capitol:
Most of the Legislators were running around in committees or on the floor. Some (mostly those opposed to progressive firearm laws) were actively avoiding their constituents. I managed to surprise Rep. Chapin Rose in the hallway:
Sen. Dale Righter I found in a committee and spoke with him for a few minutes:
I'm lucky in that both are very strong 2A supporters both in words and in their voting record.
The Reception:
Candidate Rosanna Pulido and Sen. Dan Rutherford both spoke at the reception before the attendees headed home.
Some IGOLD stats:
Budget for Event: $25,000
24 buses picking up people from 30 locations
Packets Distributed: 5,100
Estimate of Attendance: 4,000-5,000 people.
Next year will be even bigger.
More photos here.
Commentary here.
Good luck, guys... I'd be there if I still lived in the PR Illinois. I have to admit, that although I left for other reasons, the state I moved to is so much more free and less stifling in many ways. I'm glad I left that hell hole. And this is from a native Chicagoan... :(
Give 'em hell, Third! Sorry to miss it.
That plaque Valinda Rowe is holding up is her display of recommended Illinois self-defense weapons according to the Illinois State Police: A key, a comb, and a tongue depressor.
Very nice job!
"Budget for Event: $25,000
24 buses picking up people from 30 locations
Packets Distributed: 5,100
Estimate of Attendance: 4,000-5,000 people."
Exercising one right for the support of another:
It's true. Yellow does make things look bigger.
THe convention center capacity was 10,000? we more than half filled it. 24 buses x45 was a large drop in the bucket. My guess watching the parade turning the corner while the front had reached the steps, closer to 7500. I haven't seen a picture yet that captured the crowd I saw. Kicking myself for forgetting my camera this year.
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