I did, however, get a chance to talk to Tom Shafer at the Sangamon County Rifle Assoc. booth. He runs a local pro-gun cable show ( Wed. at 7:30pm Springfield Ch 4) and has been spending his time watching the Blago impeachment hearings. We chatted about Blago and Burris for awhile and I was pleased to give him some additional info to present on his show. Notably how Blago gave a gun control speech on the steps of the hospital he was blackmailing and Burris's hypocrisy on firearms. I gave him a UMPC patch to recognize in a small way all the hard work he does.
Also got a chance to talk to Ron Corzine of the ISRA and booth volunteer Terry.
Today was busy but I was told that yesterday it was packed w/ a line out the door. I picked up a stock extender for my SAR-1 and a frog for the bayonet I got at another show a few weeks ago. Had I had more funds, I would have walked out of there w/ (receipts for ) many new toys (damn waiting period).
Reading the sign in the middle picture and not knowing what it says ahead of time, my brain filled it the remaining letters and came up with "Illiterate Rifle Association"
(Yea I finally figured out the real meaning).
Sorry, I thought you were going to call when you got into town. I didn't really need to go to the show today, but it would have been good to meet you. Next time!
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