Sunday, September 21, 2008

Progressive Women

Defend themselves.

"In the old days, there was sort of incorrect advice: 'Oh, if you fight back, you'll get him angrier. He'll get angry and it'll be worse. The rape is not as bad as the injury you'll suffer,' " Ullman said.

Seems the Brady Campaign advocated that position as well.

Unsurprisingly, it turns out to be incorrect.

"The worst injury tends to be the completed rape. Other injuries stem from accomplishing the rape," Ullman said.

So what to they recommend?

Data from some of Ullman's studies indicate that biting, scratching, using a weapon and breaking out martial arts or self-defense maneuvers deter rapists without increasing the victim's risk of being injured. When victims have been hurt, Ullman said, they were typically harmed during the initial attack.

Fight back when threatened to deter him. Thrust your elbows out. Power up a groin kick.

Fight back when frightened to scare him. Project your voice with confidence. Yell, holler and scream.

Fight back when attacked to catch him. Scratch his skin. Grab his hair.

That's right. As Oleg Volk said. Act like tool using humans.

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