Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More on the "Boyscout" from PA

SIH noted that he has an extensive rapsheet.

From ABC:

“According to police, Giddings was arrested back in August of 1998 for a carjacking, in which he shot the victim twice in the legs and stole $100. Giddings was sentenced to 6-12 years behind bars.
While in prison, police say Giddings was accused of 27 infractions, and found guilty on 18 of those. In addition, police say Giddings was kicked out of two prisons during his sentence.
Giddings was released in August, 2008. Shortly after, police attempted to pull him over for a traffic violation, and he ran off. Officers caught up to Giddings and a fight ensued. Giddings escaped, and four officers were hurt. An arrest warrant was issued after that incident.
During that incident, according to police, Giddings said he would not go back to prison alive, and if police tried to arrest him he would take an officer down with him.
“He was a dangerous individual, and he demonstrated that over and over and over again,” said Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey.”

And yet he still didn't serve his full sentence. Obviously more gun laws are needed. That would have surely stopped him.

Thanks to Sneaky on Huffpo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ever hear the expression, "he had a rap sheet as long as my arm?"

Maybe we should build on that. Starting at the top of your bicep and working your way down the arm, each time you're arrested, ya get tattooed in black ink detailing the charge. Each actual conviction is done in bright red ink. If you do a few stupid things in your youth and work that crap out of your system, a simple short sleeve shirt should hide past lapses from society at large. Keep screwing up and the world can identify you from a distance and be on gaurd(as they should be anyways).

Anyone seen wearing a long sleeve shirt and a glove on one hand can be legally shot by anyone lawfully able to carry.

Trial run will be tested on Michael Jackson. Baiting him with little boys will still be unlawful, however.