Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Oppose Censorship?

Then you're asking to be bombed and killed. Really. It's your own fault. So says Munawar Hassan , secretary general of Jamaat-e-Islami:

"This is the reaction," Hassan said. "The government of Denmark is not doing anything positive, despite the fact that millions of people came out on the streets, peacefully demonstrating. Nobody is paying any heed. What is the common man to do? He has no option."

So because a government won't censor, imprison, or otherwise punish one of their citizens who say something you don't like, you have "no option" other than to blow things up and kill people?

Odd. I can think of several options. Product boycotts, travel restrictions to your country on the person who offended you, or even just ignoring him. But no. So much better to kill people that had nothing to do w/ it except work at the embassy of the country he came from. That makes much more sense.


BobG said...

It's about what you expect from a bunch of ignorant savages.

Anonymous said...

Right, because peaceful demonstrations always immediately get the results the demonstrators are looking for.


I guess sitting down and talking with the other person, presenting counterpoints, or doing your own little propaganda campaign is just too much to ask.

Nah, it is just easier to resort to flagrant, misdirected, vicious violence.

And they expect people to take them seriously?

Anonymous said...

You know what they say...

When cartoons are outlawed, only outlaws will have cartoons.

On a lighter note, it is nice to see that these countries have solved all of their other social problems to the point where they can fret and have a good hand-wringing session about ink on paper.