Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A Fudd by any other name..

is still a Fudd.

Over on Tom Kings Blog, he has a regular poster who goes by the handle Gman. Gman is a self admitted 3 week a year shooter and attacks the NYSRPA, NRA, etc. for overreacting to legislation like gun bans and increased restrictions. He ignores the fact that the political allies of the anti-gunners in NY HAVE passed laws he considers "molehills" and then immediately pushed for more.

What he considers a "principled" stance is to throw gun owners he doesn't associate with under the bus to protect his personal interests for the time being yet can't seem to understand why we don't like him:

Yes, well, maybe it’s because I’m not a full-time shooter, just a three-week-a-year hunter.

But I believe the NYSPRA presents an intractable absolutist stance on too many issues on which the public at large has reached an opposite consensus, and cries wolf on molehill issues. For instance, I am willing to live with magazine restrictions if it preserves the larger right. That doesn’t win me many friends at the range.

And unfortunately, because of my principled stance I am viewed by most people inside the gun lobby as an enemy or naif instead of a moderate ally.

That is exactly the attitude that IANSA exploited to get their laws passed in Australia:

When we were campaigning for the reform of the gun laws in Australia, one of the interesting groups that came out to support the new gun laws was a group called the Professional Hunters Association. They’re the original “Crocodile Dundee,” the macho big guys who control feral animals in the national parks.. And they said they supported the new gun laws because anyone who needed a semiautomatic to kill an animal was a city boy who shouldn’t be out there with a gun in the first place.

-Rebecca Peters

So get this Gman, Those aren't "principles" you're touting, that's blatant selfishness. When you're doing the work of the enemy for them, you're not a "moderate ally", you're a stooge and we will consider you an enemy as well.

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