Well the
Kickstarter event is over and the Gamer Geek in me took hold. W/ less than 30 min. left to spare I sponsored one of the custom sheets of vehicles for the new release of
OGRE by SJ Games. It closed out at over $920K w/ over 5K sponsors, breaking several KS records.
Come Nov. '
Nihon Empire' units will be available through DOOT for the game. This, obviously is the reborn Japanese Empire revisiting claims and losses from earlier in their history.
Units are tentatively planned to be white w/ the rising sun logo.
"They may have Claymores and Dragons, but we have Bolos and Ogres!" ;-)
Awesome! One of the $4.5K sheets, right? I'm also a backer (though not at the counter sheet level). I assume you will post an announcement here when the counter sheets are available for sale?
ACS: Planning on it. Also starting an update/reservation list. Pop me an email thirdower (at) hotmail (dot) com
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