Monday, February 21, 2011

Is HuffPo doing some editing?

Colin abd Andrew Goddards' latest blog titled..."The Last Pharaoh: Mubarak or LaPierre?" appears in two different versions.

All the Brady Bunch blogs are co-posted on HuffPo, no secret there since the BC shut down comments several years ago. But they're not identical.

From the post above this is how one paragraph reads on HuffPo...

"LaPierre and his NRA workers have opposed any and all legislative attempts to keep guns out of the hands of people not legally allowed to own them. In state capitols around the country they systematically repeal existing laws and prevent the adoption of new legislation. LaPierre and his followers have blocked us from taking control of our own public safety to establish responsible limits and regulations that prevent dangerous weapons from falling so easily into the hands of dangerous people while claiming we just need to focus on "enforcing the laws already on the books.""

But this is how that same paragraph reads at the Brady Bunch site...

"Wayne LaPierre has done more to obstruct the development of this country than any foreign terrorist group could ever dream of accomplishing. LaPierre and his followers have blocked us from taking control of our own public safety to establish responsible limits and regulations that prevent dangerous weapons from falling so easily into the hands of dangerous people while claiming we just need to focus on “enforcing the laws already on the books.”"

I only see three possibilities. Either HuffPo edited the post, HuffPo forced the BC to edit the post or the Brady Bunch is using much stronger rhetoric on their website deliberately for those die hard fans who actually read it.

In any event, it's nice to know that the antis view us as not only terrorists, but WORSE than terrorists.

We must be doing something right.

Unorganized Militia Gear


ViolentIndifference said...

Go us!

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Hmm--strange. I see the Opposing Views version seems to be the same as the one on the Brady Campaign site.

Another slightly odd thing is that when I wrote my column about the Goddards' noise, I actually looked for it on Huff 'n' Puff Post, but it wasn't there.

Henigan's and Helmke's stuff usually shows up at both places at about the same time, I think--certainly the same day--but the Goddard piece took two days to get to Huff Po.

kaveman said...

"but the Goddard piece took two days to get to Huff Po."

I noticed that as well. That's what made me think the HuffPo mods might be trying to tone it down a bit.

Yes, it's a liberal paradise, but saying the NRA is worse than a terrorist org is a bit over the top, even for the Brady Bunch.

I'm going to be monitoring the BC site blog more closely to see if this is common or not.

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Interesting . . .

From Dennis "What People?" Henigan, the Huff 'n' Puff Post version:

On Friday, the House, dominated by the Tea Party and their supplicants . . .

Now, for the Brady Bunch Blog version (my emphasis added):

On Friday the House, dominated by the Tea Baggers and their supplicants . . .

Anonymous said...

When the antis are losing badly (as they are currently), they do and say desperate things to get any kind of attention. And, as you can see, it can be downright hateful.