Friday, October 8, 2010

Broad Brush Smearing Is All That's Left

Dennis "I Forgot The People" Henigan, fresh from having his rear handed to him over the Mexican Gun Canard, decided to cover up his foible w/ some good old-fashioned NRA bashing.

The usual fabricated talking points. Militias are controlled by the NRA, Tim McVeigh, insurrectionist, blah blah, yak yak.

This is the same slide that Josh Horowitz and his CSGV went down in their road to irrelevancy.

And Paul Helmke's ghostwriter pops up today as well w/ a post following the VPC tactic of trying to label all concealed carry holders as "untrained, under-trained, emotionally unstable or impulsive people" w/ a whopping two incidents out of the 3-4 million license holders in the US.


And yeah. I'm enjoying it.

And what's really entertaining as the comments come up are their supporters aren't saying phrases like 'reasonable' or 'common-sense', they're using words like 'ban' and 'confiscate' showing just how far the mainstream they really are.

Unorganized Militia Gear

Unorganized Militia Gear

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Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

. . . out of the 3-4 million license holders in the US.

Actually, that's probably low. Check this out (from MSNBC, no less--not exactly a "gun lobby" propaganda source):

From its beginnings in the 1980s, the “right-to-carry” movement has succeeded in boosting the number of licensed concealed-gun carriers from fewer than 1 million to a record 6 million today, according to estimates from gun-rights groups that are supported by’s research.

They pull a few dozen anecdotes per year, and try to paint tar the millions of CCW licensees with the "gun owner gone bad" brush.


Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Hmm . . . For some reason, my first attempt to comment didn't take. Let's try again.

. . . out of the 3-4 million license holders in the US.

Actually, that's probably low. Check this out (from MSNBC, no less--not exactly a "gun lobby" propaganda source):

From its beginnings in the 1980s, the “right-to-carry” movement has succeeded in boosting the number of licensed concealed-gun carriers from fewer than 1 million to a record 6 million today, according to estimates from gun-rights groups that are supported by’s research.

They pull a few dozen anecdotes per year, and try to tar 6 million CCW licensees with the "gun owner gone bad" brush.
