Beyond the quoting of an incomplete study and the (shock) VPC they admit to the real reason they oppose it, they don't like the NRA:
it's difficult for me to believe that the NRA leadership is serious about gun safety for children or anybody else.
Well that and they're jealous that nobody's listening to them anymore.
Of course we'll never see an alternative from them beyond 'Get rid of guns'. Not only because they couldn't afford to develop one but it would distract from their real goal.

Says Paul:
Yet there is absolutely no evidence directly linking the use of the Eddie Eagle program to a decline in children's deaths by guns
Oh, so now he wants to talk about studies, does he? Well, good--let's talk about this National Academy of Sciences 328-page report, based on 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications, a survey of 80 different gun-control laws and some of its own independent study, showing:
As it turns out, no link between restrictions on gun ownership and lower rates of crime, firearms violence or even accidents with guns, could be found.
Or how about studies showing the ineffectiveness of "microstamping"?
Still wanna talk about studies, Paul?
*sigh* You just have to love people who say "this sucks", and offer no solution, no alternative, and no idea of their own. You have to doubly love people who do that, and then offer the "fix" of tearing the entire system down, and demolishing it wholesale.
Guns are here to stay, Pauly. The technology has been spread, tweaked, and otherwise semi-perfected to the point where someone with the appropriate tools can produce effective slugthrowers in their garage.
That particular djinn is not going back in the bottle, and it is sheer tomfoolery to believe otherwise.
Get over it.
So, that said, what real solution do you offer to train children how to safely handle firearms (namely, by not)?
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