Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Precipitous Losses?

A regular PuSHer over on Huffpo is trying to delude himself that gun control is charging forward,the NRA is dying, Heller will be overturned soon, and McDonald will be a win for the Brady Campaign.

I did say he was delusional.

One of his main arguments was the old VPC myth of the decreasing gun owners. He described a drop of 10% of households over a course of 40 years as 'precipitous'. Never mind the fact that the total numbers have increased over the same time period.

Anywhoo, that got me to looking at the Gallup poll again. It had a difference in households and total of nearly +10% in 2006. That's over 10 million households and people more than the NORC report. Looking at the historical numbers, the Gallup poll does not show a consistent drop like NORC but a cyclical rise and fall between 40 and 50% +/- and a much larger amount of 'No Opinion'.

I'ld say that's more than your normal sampling error.

Unorganized Militia Gear

Unorganized Militia Gear


Anonymous said...

Sounds as if this s**t wad is having a PSH. But this time, it's feom excitement, not fear.

Poor delusional boy. Time to increase the meds and shock treatment voltage.

B Woodman

Mike W. said...

How do folks that delusional function in society?

I ALMOST feel bad for him.

Where was he during "The Great Obama Gun Rush?"

Obviously in his world a lengthy, sustained run on guns & ammo means that gun ownership is decreasing....

Thirdpower said...

The most common claim is that every single purchase was by people who already owned guns.

Of course they can never support that claim.

Weer'd Beard said...

Especially when the reports have also been made that CCW classes are packed to the brim, and most of them are nearly if not exceeding 50% women (not our biggest past Demographic)

But that's using facts, which are overrated...