Sunday, February 14, 2010

Brady Endorsements Free Violent Criminals

Via David Codrea's Nat'l Gun Rights Examiners comes an expose on the relationship between the Brady Campaign and the Alabama Professor who shot her peers after being denied tenure.

Short story. She had a history of anger management issues, murdering her brother w/ a shotgun and threatening others according to eye witnesses and police. The DA at the time, William Delahunt forced the authorities to release her and did not press any charges.

Delahunt is now a Congressman for the 10th district in MA and has been touted and endorsed by the Brady Campaign for his efforts to reduce gun violence ownership.

It's noted on Tam's blog that the day after the shooting, Delahunt announced he would probably retire.

No. There's no connection. None at all.

Unorganized Militia Gear


Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Now it comes out that she was a prime suspect in an attempted mail-bombing in '93.

LPF said...

Why would a DA pull the strings necessary to get her off a murder charge? It's already come out that her mother had a low level gov't job in the same town. But why would a DA take the risk to free a 'nobody'.

There's more to this story. My money is on affair at the inside with an outside chance of love-child.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else get the feeling that this was part of the antis plan?

They let people out who have violent tendencies, then when they commit a gun crime they start in on "We have to ban the awful guns!"

Right from Rahm Emanuel's playbook: Don't let a good crisis go to waste, especially when you've taken the time to create it.