Conventional rifles and shotguns for traditional hunting and sporting purposes (pages 4-20, 4-21) are always available, but that is never where the crowds gather. The buzz surrounds assault weapons and their accessories.Really? Never? His word. Never.
-Gary Wintemute. 2009 Gun Show 'study'
I guess the good Dr. was using the Humpty Dumpty definition of 'never'.

good show this weekend glad i was able to make it
Damn you call that the "assault weapons" counter, almost half of them have wooden stocks, one of them is even a shotgun......
I said it was a small show.
One of my (many) objections to Wintemute's "study" is his distinction between "conventional" firearms and so-called "assault weapons."
What makes an AR-15 any less "conventional" than a Remington 1100 semi-auto shotgun?
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