Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Registration /= Confiscation

Really. It doesn't.
They used to be legal firearms, but now they're either unregistered or outright banned, and they're wanted by police before there's a chance burglars put them in Toronto's underground and underworld markets. Since March 1, Project Safe City swept 400 unregistered weapons 150 of them handguns from homes throughout the city. No charges were filed. Police are reviewing thousands of gun ownership files to determine which weapons have lapsed registrations and which are now banned.

Unorganized Militia Gear


Anonymous said...

I hope that (/=) (not equals) is a snark.
Otherwise, you got some 'splainin' to do. I'm confused.

B Woodman

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

I think you'll be safe counting on it that Third was being ironic.

Thirdpower said...


Is this the first time you've read my blog?

kaveman said...

Thanx, I needed the laugh.

Being a smart-ass is a tough job, but someone has to do it.

Linoge said...

!= is the more-common expression, but /= works as well.

Amusingly, history has provided us more than sufficient examples of registration invariably leading to confiscation... another one is certainly unnecessary, but it does, unfortunately, help our case. I would rather be without the assistance and allow the Canadians to keep their right to self-defense, though...