Tuesday, March 10, 2009

AHSA Trying to Rewrite Their Past

Once again the new spokesperson for the AHSA, Colin Rogero distorts the history of the AHSA and it's leadership's role in anti-gun activities.

He states:
Ray's foundation "THE RAY AND NANCY FOUNDATION" donated to the Brady Campaign. Ray's wife Nancy was a board member. She has separated from the Brady Group and is no longer involved with their organization. Ray never supported, nor donated to the organization. Ray, and Nancy have different views on gun ownership, as many families do.
Apparently Nancy used Ray's checkbook and signed his name then because according to OpenSecrets.org Ray donated $5,000 to Handgun Control Inc. in 2000.

Darn those meddling facts.


Anonymous said...

The internet never forgets...

drjim said...

And I've NEVER believed these guys....

Unknown said...


If he wants to repent and begin atoning for his sins. I am all for that.


Doesn't mean he's getting my money though...